To say that I've been hanging out for this to arrive would be something of an understatement...
...but it was in my letterbox when I got home from work yesterday, and luckily for me today is my first day of not working at work (if you know what I mean), so I may actually have time to look at it. 
I won this subscription at the launch giveaway of the awesome blog A Very Fine House co-authored by Katrina and Julie-Ann...thank you lovely ladies. I'm sure you've all been there, but if you haven't...skedaddle off now.
I'm so thrilled to be holding all those wonderful pictures I see around blog world in my hot little hands...but before I can get to it with any sort of concentrated effort...the chandelier fairy is coming to help me clean these. 
Now I just have to find an electrician and there'll be lights ablazing in the tranquil townhouse.
And on the subject of giveaways...slacker that I am...the wonderful and extraordinarily talented Mariska Meijers from I used to be snow white but I drifted, blogged yesterday about receiving my very first giveaway...the glass art that my wonderful and also extraordinarily talented bloke Richard's a picture of it in Mariska's chuffed she has it, and so sorry I took so long getting it to you Mariska...she was far too polite to mention that!!
Back tomorrow with the top ten pics of the week.


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