porcelain canisters by CathodeBlue - $28
mod tray by FoundVintageStyle - $55

mid century juice cups by bohemianvintage1 - $35

mid century enamel bowl by MonkiVintage - $60

mod curtain panels by TheVintageCabin - $19
I just love perusing Etsy. Week after week I never seem to bore of it. There's always something fun and new to drool over. : ) I hope you enjoyed viewing today's selections as much as I enjoyed finding them! Remember to shop local and indie first, before heading out to the big box stores! Make it a goal today!! : ) Have you all heard of the 3/50 Project? It's a fantastic movement that encourages shoppers to spend a combined total of $50 every month at three local establishments. Check out their website for statistics on a consumer's impact on their local economy. It's awesome! Make a difference today!! I hope you all have a wonderful week. We've been fairly busy at the shop. It's looking quite bare, at least compared to how it's always looked. But, it's just life doing what it does best... change. : )
Happy Decorating!

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